I'm over it. It didn't work. I have serious doubts that DE will ever work. So, can we just get the show on the road and move on with it, then?
That's where I'm at. I know this break is good for me mentally, physically, financially. And, I am very much looking forward to our vacation in five weeks. But, still, I am ready to get the next cycle done. I already am plotting our final attempt for after this next DE cycle fails. Most likely DEmbryo in Europe. DH said that we can try something radical and crazy if this next cycle doesn't work. So, my head's already going there. I know I shouldn't. I should keep myself in the present, try to stay positive for the next DE cycle - maybe it was just bad luck. Maybe all the pills DH is taking right now will help. Maybe our next donor will have a super cycle. Maybe, maybe, maybe. I'm tired of the maybes and want an answer.
I know we'll probably be hearing from the clinic in 2-5 weeks with a new donor match. And, 2-5 weeks is nothing really. But, I'm growing more and more impatient, obviuously.