June 2010 - We're Officially Engaged, Let's Start Trying to Have a Baby.
October 2010 - We're Married!
November 2010 - Something's Not Right, and We're Old (Me: Practically 35, DH: 41).
December 2010 - GYN Tests Me and DH. Doesn't Seem to Think Anything's Wrong, But Refers Us to an RE Anyway.
March 2011 - Initial RE Meeting. GYN Was Wrong! IVF?! WHAT?!!
March 2011 thru July 2011 - Countless Tests and Re-tests of Both Me and DH. Many Visits to RE, Urologist, PCP, and Cardiologist. Innumerable Tears and Heartaches. With Trepidation, Decide on IVF, After All.
July 2011 thru August 2011 - IVF #1 = 9 eggs retrieved, 5 mature, 3 fertilized normally with ICSI. Transferred 1 beautiful 10-cell, grade 2 embie on day 3. Devastating BFN and no frosties.
September 2011 thru October 2011 - IVF #2 = 6 eggs retrieved, 4 mature, 3 fertilized normally with ICSI. Transferred 2 crappy looking embies (1 6-cell and 1 7-cell, grade 4s) on day 3. Got very faint positive HPT 9dp3dt, gone by 10dp3dt, and another BFN and no frosties.
November 2011 - Go to Resolve New England Conference. Attend adoption and donor egg sessions. Start leaning towards donor egg, and researching clinics.
December 2011 - Get psych evaluation done for donor egg recipients at current clinic, but start leaning toward out-of-state clinic for actual cycle.
February 2012 - Consult at chosen donor egg clinic and meeting with donor coordinator. Feel OK about choice of clinics, and start the wait for donor match.
April 2012 - Matched with donor! Start BCPs.
May 2012 thru June 2012 - DE IVF#1: Chemical pregnancy - shared cycle, no frosties
July 2012 - More testing and start seeing a psychologist because I can't hack much more of this!