So, I devised a 5-month plan for us yesterday. We are going to take that long of a break to educate ourselves on all of the options swimming around in our heads, save some more money, get ourselves feeling physically better (my DH needs to lose some weight, and I need a break from hormones), and take care of some things that will help us move ahead with whichever direction we choose. Those things include following up with some other medical issues that there's just been no time to address, finally getting some ceilings patched and painted in the house, and just generally ready for either a home study or pregnancy.
I also signed us up for the Resolve New England conference in a few weeks so that we can learn more about adoption and donor embryos. Finally, our IVF #2 cycle goes for case review in a couple of weeks and we have another WTF on Nov. 10th, where we can talk other options over with Dr. E. And, of course, we'll be trying naturally in the meantime.
All in all, I feel OK about taking such a long break. Having a list for us to chip away at helps in that I feel like we're at least moving towards something, even if we don't know yet what that certain something is. I am a person who needs to feel like I'm actively pursuing my goals. I'm sure come January, I'm going to get antsy to forge ahead with something/anything. But, I know our next decision is probably the most important one we'll ever make, so I've got to give its time.
So far on Day 1 of 5-month plan, I got a 3.6 mile jog in and hope to go play some tennis with DH.
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