Saturday, May 19, 2012

Trying Not to Get Ahead of Myself

I'm in the weird state of imagining when we'd hit certain milestones if this cycle works, while at the same time figuring out how I'm going to console myself if this fails. I'm already indulging in too much anxiety-eating, and was really disheartened at my weight last week. I'm up 10 lbs. since we started trying. I'm still fit and active, but my clothes don't fit right, or at all, and I just feel gross - one more thing IF has cursed me with.

Anyhow, I do really wish I was a berry farmer and make money at it. So, I grow a lot in my back yard to get my fix. I'm happy to report that I have a very good crop of blueberries coming along, and expect I'll indulge in a heck of a lot of pie and cobbler should this cycle fail....

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